
广州市越秀区发展和改革局关于印发 越秀区节能专项资金管理办法的通知

2019-04-18 17:05:33


Yue Fa Gai Gui Zi [2021] No.1




Notice of District Bureau of Development and Reform, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou on the Issuance of the Measures of Yuexiu District for the Administration of Special Funds for Energy Conservation


To alldepartments of the District Government and subdistrict offices:


With the approval of Yuexiu District Government, theseMeasures of Yuexiu District for the Administration of Special Funds for Energy Conservation (see the Appendix) are hereby issued for your due implementation. Problems encountered during the course of implementation shall be reported directly to the Office of Steering Group of Yuexiu District for Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction (at District Bureau of Development and Reform).



Appendix: Measuresof Yuexiu District for the Administration of Special Funds for Energy Conservation


District Bureau of Development and Reform, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou


August 20, 2021


(Please contact Xie Sijie at 83262850)





Measures of Yuexiu District for the Administration of Special Funds for Energy Conservation

第一章  总 则

Chapter I General Provisions

第一条 为贯彻落实绿色发展理念,进一步加大对越秀区节能减排工作的支持力度,促进全区经济绿色、低碳和可持续发展,根据《中华人民共和国节约能源法》《广东省节约能源条例》等有关规定,结合越秀区节能工作实际,制定本办法。

Article 1 These Measures are formulated to practice the concept of green development, provide greater support for energy conservation and emission reduction in Yuexiu District, and promote the green, low-carbon and sustainable economic development in the whole district in accordance with theEnergy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China and the Energy Conservation Regulations of Guangdong Province and the local situation.

第二条 本办法所指节能专项资金是指越秀区本级财政年度预算安排的,专项用于支持我区节能工作的资金。节能专项资金按照工作需要并视财政收入和实际工作情况确定。

Article 2 The special funds for energy conservation mentioned in these Measures refer to the fiscal funds arranged by the district government from the fiscal year budget and used specifically to support energy conservation in the district. The special funds for energy conservation are determined based on the needs, fiscal revenue and actual situation.

第三条 节能专项资金的管理和使用应遵循依法设立、规范管理、严格审批、权责明确、科学论证、绩效优先、公平公开和强化监督的原则。

Article 3 The administration and use of the special funds for energy conservation shallfollow the principles of establishment by law, regulated administration, strict review and approval, clearly defined power and responsibilities, scientific demonstration, priority for performance, openness and fairness, and enhanced supervision.

第四条 越秀区节能减排工作领导小组(以下简称“领导小组”)是节能专项资金的管理机构,负责指导本办法的决策与实施,领导小组办公室设在区发展改革局。相关职能机构职责如下:

Article 4The Steering Group of Yuexiu District for Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction (hereinafter referred to as the "Steering Group") is the organization to manage the special funds, and guide the decision-making and implementation of these Measures. The Office of the Steering Group is at the District Bureau of Development and Reform. The relevant functional departments shall perform the following duties:


District Bureau of Development and Reform:responsible for budget report on the special funds; preparation of plans for the allocation and use of the special funds; supervision, inspection and completion acceptance of individual projects, and performance evaluation of project funds as required.


District Bureau of Science, Industry & Information Technology, District Bureau of Construction and Water Affairs: Responsible for the promotion of the special fund policies in the industries; organization of project applications and pre-review of application materials.


District Bureau of Education, District Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television,Tourism and Sports, District Bureau of Health: Responsible for the promotion of the special fund policies in the industries; organization of project applications; preliminary review and summary of acceptance applications of projects receiving direct subsidy.


District Bureau of Commerce (District Bureau of Transportation): Responsible for the promotion of the special fund policies in the industries; organization of project applications.


District Bureau of Finance (District Bureau of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration): Responsible for the approval and allocation of the special funds pursuant to relevant provisions of the centralized payment by the state treasury; financial supervision and inspection of the special funds and the overall performance evaluation.

第二章  资金使用范围和使用方式

Chapter II Scope and Methods of Fund Use

第五条 节能专项资金主要用于支持我区低碳经济发展做出贡献的项目或单位,适用范围包括以下方面:

Article 5 The special funds for energy conservation are mainly used to support the projects orinstitutions/enterprises that contribute to the development of low-carbon economy in the district. The applicable scope of fund use is as follows:


(I)Support for technological transformation projects for energy conservation in the areas of commerce, construction and transportation and those by public institutions.


(II) Support for demonstration projects of comprehensive utilization of resources, and projects of new energy and renewable energy application.


(III) Auxiliary support for key energy conservation projects, energy conservation technology industrialization projects, energy conservation pilot and demonstration projects, and construction of green community at national, provincial and municipal levels.


(IV) Support for energy conservation projects adopting energy management contracting (EMC) mode.


(V) Reward for projects that have passed green building certification, and projects that have won the second prize of the Guangzhou Green Building Excellent Design Award and above; reward for enterprises that voluntarily carry out cleaner production reviews and have been named as Guangzhou Excellent Enterprise for Cleaner Production, Cleaner Production Enterprise, etc.; reward for enterprises that establish their own online energy consumption monitoring system connected to the municipal management platform and accepted by the municipal competent departments.


(VI) Support for the district key energy conservation projects identified by the Steering Group.

第六条 节能专项资金主要采用直接补助、后补助、奖励三种,其中财政投资类项目采用直接补助方式,企业投资项目采用后补助方式。

Article 6 The special funds for energy conservation are mainly provided as direct subsidy, post-subsidy and reward. Specifically, direct subsidy is provided to fiscal investment projects, and post-subsidy to enterprise investment projects.

第三章  资金申报条件和扶持标准

Chapter III Criteria for Fund Application and Support

第七条 申请节能专项资金的主体需对我区能源资源节约工作作出贡献,除符合本办法第五条规定外,还必须同时具备以下条件:

Article 7 Applicants for the special funds for energy conservation need to contribute to the saving of energy and resources in the district. In addition to complying with Article 5 hereof, they must also meet the following conditions:


(I) The applicants shall abide by the laws and regulations in operation and management. Theywere not been subject to administrative penalties by the competent authorities of energy, ecology and environment, and production safety, nor committed any other illegal acts in the past two years.


(II)The applicant never failed to reach the energy conservation goals in the past two years if it is a key energy-consuming institution/enterprise under the supervision of the competent authorities.


(III) The project involved shall comply with the industrial policies of the city and district, and the relevant city and district regulations on and procedures for project construction. For fixed asset investment projects that need to be reviewed and approved (including new construction, reconstruction, and expansion), it is required to provide materials for energy conservation evaluation and review when applying for the special funds.

第八条 资金扶持标准:

Article 8 Criteria for fund support:


(I) Projects receiving direct subsidy


1. For the technological transformation projects for energy conservation implemented by public institutions in the district, a subsidy of 20% of the total project investment will be given, with a ceiling of 200,000 yuan for each project in principle.


2. For projects that have received special funds for energy conservation at higher level, a subsidy of 20% of the higher-level support will be given, with a ceiling of 200,000 yuan for each project in principle.


(II) Projects receiving post-subsidy


1. For the technological transformation projects for energy conservation implemented on other types of public buildings by non-public institutions in the area of trade and circulation within the district, if the completed projects are audited by a qualified third-party evaluation agency that determines the energy conversion efficiency of the project reaches 20% or more, a subsidy of 20% of the total project investment will be given, with a ceiling of 200,000 yuan for each project in principle.


2. For the demonstration projects of comprehensive utilization of resources, and projects of new energy and renewable energy application within the district, a subsidy of 20% of the total project investment will be given, with a ceiling of 200,000 yuan for each project in principle.


3. For the energy conservation projects adopting EMC mode, upon the application made by the end users, a subsidy of 10% of the total project investment will be given, with a ceiling of 200,000 yuan for each project in principle.


(III) Projects receiving rewards


1. For each project receiving the two-star green building certification, a lump-sum reward of 30,000 yuan will be provided; for the three-star certification, 50,000 yuan.


2. For each enterprise that voluntarily carries out cleaner production reviews and has been named as Guangzhou Excellent Enterprise for Cleaner Production or Cleaner Production Enterprise, a lump-sum reward of 50,000 yuan and 20,000 yuan will be provided respectively.


3. For each enterprise that establishes its own online energy consumption monitoring system connected to the municipal management platform and accepted by the municipal competent departments, a reward of 50,000 yuan, 30,000 yuan and 15,000 yuan will be provided for Level A, Level B and Level C enterprises respectively.


(IV) The support for the district key energy conservation projects shall be determined by the Steering Group based on the actual situation.

第四章  专项资金申报和审批

Chapter IV Application and Approval of the Special Funds

第九条 区发展改革局通过书面、网络等渠道公开发布年度节能专项资金申报通知。

Article 9 The District Bureau of Development and Reform issues the notice about the application for annual special funds for energy conservation in writing, online and through other public channels.

第十条 符合本办法规定的同一项目、同一事项同时符合越秀区其他扶持政策规定(含上级部门要求区配套或负担资金的政策规定)的,按照从高且不重复的原则予以支持,另有规定的除外。

Article 10 If a project or an event that meets the provisions of these Measures is also eligible for the support under other policies of Yuexiu District (including the policies of the higher-level departments requiring the district to provide auxiliary support or funds), the higher amount of support shall be provided, except as otherwise required.

第十一条 绿色建筑标识、清洁生产类项目应由行业主管部门(区科工信局、区建设水务局)对项目申报材料进行前置审核,并将审核结果汇总后报区发展改革局;区发展改革局负责对其他各类申报材料进行前置审核。行业主管部门和区发展改革局对未能通过前置审核、不予受理的项目,应在说明原因后予以退回。

Article 11 For projects that have passed green building certification and projects of cleaner production, the industrial competent authorities (District Bureau of Science, Industry & Information Technology, District Bureau of Construction and Water Affairs) shall pre-review the applications and summarize and report the review results to the District Bureau of Development and Reform; for any other projects, the District Bureau of Development and Reform is responsible for pre-reviewing the applications. For the projects that are rejected by the industrial competent authorities and the District Bureau of Development and Reform for failing the pre-review, the applications shall be returned with reasons provided.

第十二条 区发展改革局委托第三方机构对通过前置审核的项目进行集中评审。第三方机构对评审结果负责,独立出具评审意见。

Article 12 The District Bureau of Development and Reform entrusts third-party agencies to conduct a centralized review of the projects that have passed the pre-review. The third-party agencies are responsible for the review results and issue independent review opinions.

第十三条 区发展改革局在综合考虑第三方审核意见及业务主管部门意见的基础上,按项目的推广及示范意义制定资金扶持计划草案并征求区各有关部门意见后,呈领导小组审定。

Article 13 By referring to the opinions of the third-party agencies and the competent authorities, the District Development and Reform Bureau shall draft the plan for fund support based on the implications of the projects in terms of promotion and demonstration, request comments from relevant departments, and then submit it to the Steering Group for approval.

第十四条 通过综合审定的项目在越秀区公众信息网公示10个工作日。经公示有异议并经调查属实不具备获取节能专项资金条件的项目,即从计划名单中剔除;经公示无异议的项目,由区发展改革局拟订并印发项目补助资金计划。

Article 14 The projects that have passed the comprehensive review will be announced on the public information website of Yuexiu District for 10 working days. If objections are raised against a certain project during the 10-day period, and are found true to disqualify the project for the special funds, the project in question will be removed from the list; for projects that receive no objection, the District Development and Reform Bureau will propose and issue the plan for project subsidies.

第五章  专项资金拨付和管理

Chapter V Allocation and Management of Special Fund

第十五条 区发展改革局按照项目补助资金计划,根据国库集中支付相关规定,分配拨付资金至项目承担单位。

Article 15 The District Development and Reform Bureau shall allocate funds to the projectimplementers pursuant to relevant provisions of the centralized payment by the state treasury according to the plan for project subsidies.

第十六条 项目单位收到专项资金后,应严格执行现行财务会计制度规定,规范专项资金的财务处理和会计核算,专项资金实行专款专用专账,严格按批准的项目和规定用途使用专项资金,任何单位或个人不得以任何名义截留或挪用专项资金。

Article 16 After receiving the special funds, the projectimplementers shall strictly implement the provisions of the current financial accounting system and standardize the financial processing and accounting of the special funds. Separate accounting of the special funds shall be kept, and the funds shall be used for the specified purposes. No institution/enterprise or individual are allowed to withhold or misappropriate the special funds for any reason.

第十七条 各项支出应当严格执行国家、省、市有关财务规章制度规定的开支范围和开支标准,按照规定应当实行招投标和政府采购的,按照招投标和政府采购的有关规定执行。

Article 17 All expenses shall be paid in strict accordance with the financial rules and regulations at national, provincial and municipal levels. If bidding and government procurement are required, they shall be carried out according to relevant rules and regulations.

第十八条 直接补助的项目,项目申报单位应严格按照资金补助计划下达的建设目标及建设内容开展项目建设,并加强项目建设进度和工程质量管理,确保项目按期建成发挥效益。遇到特殊情况需调整建设目标、建设内容、建设工期、专项资金支出内容的,应书面向区发展改革局申请调整,经区发展改革局审核同意后实施。项目申报单位应当在项目完成后3个月内,向项目主管单位提出项目验收申请,项目主管单位初审后向区发展改革局申请验收,区发展改革局组织专家或委托第三方机构进行项目验收。

Article 18 For projects receiving direct subsidy, the applicants shallcarry out the construction in strict accordance with the goals and requirements set forth in the plan for project subsidy, and enhance the management of the project progress and quality to ensure the project is completed as scheduled and play its due role. Where the construction goals, contents and schedule, and the special fund expenditure have to be adjusted due to special circumstances, a written application for adjustment shall be submitted to the District Bureau of Development and Reform for approval before such adjustment is implemented. The project applicant shall submit an application for project acceptance to the responsible department within 3 months after the project is completed. The said department shall conduct a preliminary review of the project, and submit an application for project acceptance to the District Bureau of Development and Reform, the latter will then organize experts or entrust a third-party agency to conduct project acceptance.

第六章  项目管理和监督

Chapter VI Project Management and Supervision

第十九条 申报单位必须保证所有申报材料的真实性,凡在项目申报和评审过程中弄虚作假,骗取、套取专项资金的单位,将列入诚信黑名单,依法依规作出严肃处理,已获扶持的将收回扶持资金,并取消其5年内申请节能专项资金的资格。

Article 19 The applicant mustensure that all application materials are true. Any applicant that falsifies documents in the process of project application and review to defraud of or fraudulently obtain the special funds will be blacklisted and punished according to laws and regulations. Any funds provided will be withdrawn, and the applicant in question will be banned from applying for the special funds for energy conservation within 5 years.

第二十条 在专项资金管理、使用过程中存在擅自改变专项资金用途,或者截留、挪用专项资金等违反国家法律法规或者有关财经纪律行为的,按照《财政违法行为处罚处分条例》(国务院令第427号)进行处理,有关责任人涉嫌违法犯罪的,依法移交司法机关处理。

Article 20For violations of national laws and regulations or relevant financial disciplines in the process of managing and using the special funds, such as unauthorized changes in the specified uses of the special funds, and withholding or misappropriation of the special funds, penalties will be imposed in accordance with the Regulations on Punishment of Unlawful Fiscal Acts (State Council Order No. 427), and the person in charge, if suspected to have committed a crime, shall be investigated by the judicial organ.

第七章  附 则

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions

第二十一条 本办法执行过程遇到的问题,可以向区发展改革局提出意见,区发展改革局应当及时研究处理并作出回复。

Article 21Problems encountered during the course of implementation shall be reported directly to the District Bureau of Development and Reform, and the Bureau is obliged to investigate them and respond in time.

第二十二条 本办法自2021年8月20日公布起30天后施行,有效期至2026年9月20日。

Article 22 These Measures shall be implemented after 30 days sincethe announcement on August 20, 2021 and be valid until September 20, 2026.
